20, No. 3
March 2022
Written by Allan C.
Holden |
"By the way, Fitzgerald, how are you making out with
your problem?" Fitzgerald: "We are holding our own." |
Plan for
2022 Show . . . . “Holding its
own.” With two planned antique bottle shows already cancelled, I feel like we have been riding out the storm, and with little control! We find ourselves at the mercy of nature. Even though I had nothing at stake in the Edmund Fitzgerald tragedy, as a Great Lakes Ship lover, I followed the news report of the missing ship, I was glued to every update. In fact, I remember I was in the Washington Square Library as the search for survivors was underway. It was less than a month after the loss of the ‘Big Fitz’ that my dear friend Captain John Glomstad stopped by our dealership with his Avion Trailer. He and his wife were headed to Florida for the winter, and they had stopped in for supplies. Just a couple weeks earlier, Captain John had just laid-up the freighter, Wilfred Sykes, for Inland Steel Corp., for winter off-season. Captain John and his crew were a little more than one hour ahead of the ‘Big Fitz’ coming across Superior in that same storm. The Sykes was already in the MacArthur Lock, and committed downbound, as he was monitoring Coast Guard radio traffic. He listened as Captain Cooper was asked to “turn around” and sail back into the storm looking for survivors. John told me, “In a way I was glad to be already committed and in the Lock, and I didn’t have to take my crew back into that storm.” He had a greatest respect for Captain Cooper and the crew of the Anderson. ![]() Well, with this Covid Virus, I feel like we are at natures mercy and tossed about upon the storm. Actually, I do have some better feelings about this coming show. As the show finally moves forward this time, we will see a few changes from our normal routine, but only this year. Only until we regain our sea-legs. It was decided; because of the lingering threat of the virus, and the special precautions required, we will not be hosting the hospitality suite for our dealers. Sad, I know! Also, it has been decided that we will not be hosting the dealer showcase “display-room” this year. And last of all, the club voted to skip the raffle prize ticket sales this year. I had offered to donate another prize detector, but we had waited a little long to get tickets printed. There also may have been some new State Regulations over having a club raffle as well. We will be better prepared next year. In the famous quote of President Trump, “That I can tell you.” So cheer up friends! With spring, comes the song of the Robin, early spring flowers, cats and dogs marking their turf, and the Kalamazoo Antique Bottle Show! Just think, 41 Years and still rolling along! LAST MEETING HIGHLIGHTS We had a great meeting last month! We truly did! Well, I sure had a great time! “That I can tell you!” ![]() President Rob Knolle started us off with our “Pledge of Allegiance” which still warms my soul. Then we jumped right into business. The first main discussion point was focused on the bottle show. John Pastor did get the show contracts out in the mail. After our meeting, Elmer Ogg contacted me with a bottle show payment question: “Al, we had some questions at our meeting about payment for the 2022 show. John had originally said he was going to use the checks written in 2020 for the next show, Is that still the plan or should people submit another check with the new contract and you will destroy the original ones? Also, if a person paid with cash will they be told that the payment can apply to this year's contract?” Elmer I passed Elmer’s e-mail along to John Pastor. John responded; Hi, Al, Elmer, “We never cashed any of the checks that were written for the 2020 show. And, unfortunately, those checks are no longer good. They can be returned or destroyed. Of course, if we received cash payment for the tables, that is obviously still there and being held for the same corresponding number of tables for this year's show.” John I decided this should be included in the newsletter in hope this will answer any question along this regard. If not, please let me know. If I don’t know the answer, I will contact John Pastor, and, if he doesn’t know the answer . . . we will make something up. Here is the “Eat-your-heart- out” list of the finest bunch of people you could ever rub elbows with, those who signed in at our February meeting: Steve DeBoode, Elmer Ogg, Vincent Grossi, Ron Smith, Tim Hayes, Melissa Hayes, Rob Knolle, Scott Hendrichsen, Kevin Siegfried and Al Holden. I have been so busy living the life of a old man, I sometimes work in a total “Let’s go Brandon” fog. (I left Mellisa Hayes out of the list on the hard copy!) Sorry Melissa! For example, having the day of March 1st fall on a Tuesday, hit me by surprise! Meaning this newsletter is getting a late start! Also, I completely forgotten that I had posted the February theme for last month as “Valentine’s Day, Love, and Favorite Bottle Night!” Fortunately our club members took it to ❤ and they brought in some great bottles! Ron Smith, brought in his favorite bottle and I am right-with- him on his choice! It is a S.LAY.S SODA WATER, LAPORTE, IND. We first laid eyes on this Civil War era cobalt-blue blob-top squat-soda when we had a club pizza party at Bimbo’s Pizza, way back in 2016! (Did you just think of Chuck? I did!) I love these old squat soda’s! I wanted so bad to learn more about it back in 2016! So, I went after more information online once again, but this time hopefully with different results! Holy smokes, I found one listed! (IT WAS THIS ONE!) Yep, as is often the case, the Internet search directed me to a newsletter for an antique bottle club in Kalamazoo! Boy that was disappointing! I know for a fact that guy has space for rent between his ears! On my previous research, I had found a reference to S. Lay's Soda Water, Laporte, IN which was posted in a list called the "American Pontiled Soda Database Project,” which seems to be gone now. They had listed this bottle's rarity as "1" in 2008 at $900.00! No wonder I love it! ![]() ![]() Melissa also displayed a beautiful pattern-mold swirl chestnut flask, in a soft teal green. This bottle must have originally been part of the Daryl Fifer collection out of Ohio. The trouble with these isn’t lack of information, rather too much information! These beautiful bottles are cataloged in every detail from the minute the Gaffer gathered up a batch of molten glass! Every color, size, and number of swirls determine where when and who made them! It is a sweet bottle Melissa! ![]() Kevin Siegfried brought some of his favorite treasures from his Upjohn items. First he has a small, amber, labeled bottle of Upjohn Salicin, 1gr (1 grain = ![]() ![]() Kevin also displayed a tiny Upjohn Sample bottle. This tiny tube shaped bottle, about 1/4 inch dia. and 1 inch long, was pinned to a Upjohn tag. I am not sure what type of compound these sample bottles contained. The point to the sample, I believe was demonstrating how Upjohn pills could be easily crushed under your thumb pressure, or “Friable.” I remember back in the 1970's a vitamin company was boasting how their gel-caps would release all of the goodness into your body within minutes! Whereas, their competition’s pills were being flushed ![]() ![]() Kevin also displayed a really cool Upjohn advertising statue. I suspect these items were displayed in drugstores. ![]() ![]() ![]() One rich amber-colored bottle is a real sparkler! It is a John Hart’s Hair Restorer and Scalp Renovator bottle. John Hart patented his work-of-art bottle in July, 14, 1868 only seven days after I was born! Wait, but there is more! Elmer also displayed one of the rarest Dr. Kilmer’s bottles around! THE BLOOD / DR KILMER’S / OCEAN WEED / ![]() We are all familiar with Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure, with the wording embossed within a indented kidney shape. That one is a favorite with any patent medicine collector, but they are plentiful! The Ocean Weed Heart Remedy is a really hard one to find! Elmer has a beautiful attic mint example! But wait! It gets better still! The hits keep coming! Elmer has a sweet rich aqua-blue, C. W. HART & CO., 052 and 654 River Street, Troy, N. Y Stove Polish! Within two embossed hearts is the word “Delight,” ![]() HEARTS DELIGHT! ![]() If so, ask your Grocer for HART'S DELIGHT STOVE POLISH. We claim for our Polish several qualifications; 1st The polish is convenient to use. 2nd The polish is ready mixed for use, and produces an instantaneous luster, without laborious rubbing. 3rd. It gives your stove a jet black, enamel-like shine, which will outlast and outshine any thing you have ever tried. 4th . It does not fill your house, with a disagreeable odor, nor cause your stoves or pipe to rust when put away for the season. Please give it a fair trial, and you will be- convinced of its superiority. (But wait! If you call now, you will receive not one, but two bottles with your order!) Our long-time, as well as our long-distance club member, Mark Churchill, from Bolingbrook, Illinois, has been wandering back toward his motherland to do some digging with friends. Mark told me he hadn’t been digging for almost two years and it felt great to get dirty again! Mark and Prince Sanjit, ![]() (I am proud to be Sanjit's friend, and he does have family royalty in India.) Mark said the owners were very nice folks to let them dig so many pits! We learned years ago, when an area is made up of gravel it is hard to originally dig a privy very deep without it caving in. The same problem exists for the bottle digger 200 years later! Mark said he could see evidence of cave-ins when the pit had been filled. I think I know about the time when the guys dug these, because they had stopped by my shop. My friends, it was well below freezing! That is how you dig 8 privies . . . to keep warm! Because, the permission was given to Sanjit, he got first pick. The bottles Mark picked were as follows: Lockport Gargling Oil, 5 embossed prescription bottles (new unknown varieties) an applied-lip Brant’s Turkish Ointment (looks like a little Trask’s Magnetic Ointment bottle) a Hostetters Stomach Bitters, a large iron pontiled Mexican Mustang Liniment, a rolled lip almost-pontiled Dr. D. Jaynes Liniment, an open pontiled Crofft’s Liniment, an oddly shaped Greggory’s Instant Cure for Pain, an applied lip 1870's era Dr Marshall’s Lung Balsam, Fort Wayne, In., a large size applied lip Chamberlains Immediate Relief, a nice green cylindrical ink, an early Thomas’ Eclectic Oil. Our digging buddies also dug a few nice broken flasks, (or cry over flasks.) One was a mostly complete Pikes Peak flask in aqua, which Mark or Sanjit badly chipped. Mark said, “Of course Sanjit blamed me, LOL." ![]() Mark sent me a group photo of his bottles, which I will post in the digital edition. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us, Mark! ![]() His privies were loaded with liniment and pain relief bottles! Year ago, Ernie Lawson and Jack Short urged me to look back into my family tree for possible Civil War Veterans. Well, I did, and I found three! I am sure there are more, I only searched one side of the tree where I found two. Another one from my dad’s side just fell into my lap! Two on my mother’s side served in the 13th Michigan. When the two, Martin Harter and Cornelius Engles returned, they were neighbors, and their children married, leading one day to me! Aren’t you grateful? ![]() He was in combat, but he wasn’t shot, stabbed or hit by shell fragments, no, he marched all across the south with General Sherman wrecking havoc toting all his gear and weapons! His back was weak, his knees were shot his hips were bone on bone, and, he was a farmer! I wonder if these two farmers were friends? Get my point? Be sure to make the meeting next Tuesday if at all possible, this is the last meeting before the show! How about we feature: Latest Finds Spring Time Bottles |
Antique Bottle Club
We meet at the Otsego Historic Society Museum Meeting date is MARCH 8th at 7:00 ![]() Meeting starts at 7:00 e-mail: prostock@net-link.net Phone 269-685-1776 TO THE MANY FACES OF TREASURE HUNTING |