Volume 23  Issue 2                            Written By Allan C.Holden                                  February 2025      


During the Chinese Year of Anchovies . . . Did someone say Pizza Party?

Were ya been?

        Well, yes we skipped a month, indeed we did!
        Oh! ♬ the weather outside was frightful! ♬
Boy- howdy!
I drove into work on the day of the meeting, and the visibility, at-its-best, was about 40 feet. At worst, well, I couldn’t see tail lights on a car two car lengths ahead of me! And to think, it wasn’t even snowing! Those sub-zero temps had every tiny grain of snow❄❄  as light as pixy dust, and every micro-peck was riding the wild-wind, and the wind was plentiful!  At one point I was following a cattle truck, so I had to work by my nose. I love the smell of cattle in the morning. My father, and my step father were two hard working farm boys, they would say, “A tip-toe through the tulips.”

         By the time I had white- knuckled it all the way to my store, the snow started coming down really hard!  Yet again, visibility was zero!

        For a fleeting second, it had crossed my mind that we might  see the January meeting canceled.  Then within mere minutes, I received a call from Vincent making it all official.

       This last canceled  meeting has left us running far-behind with our Kalamazoo Antique Bottle Show preparation! Time flies, the show is quickly rising on the horizon!
This February meeting will be very important, so please! make every effort to join us.

        I would like to take a moment here-and-now to apologize for the tone of the last newsletter. I came down pretty hard on my buddy, Vincent and
I have apologized to him.

        I make no excuse for being so insensitive. . . it was wrong! I misread him completely when he was trying,  of- all-things, to help me!

        Before I started on the last newsletter, Vincent and I had been discussing some club business, both by email and text messages mainly regarding the newsletter.
       I now know he was trying to help solve the problems, and be helpful . . . all for my sake.
But, I misread the tone of his letters. Within my frustration, with so many other things surrounding my business, and personal health issues, I miss judged the tone of his letters.
Also, some other issues within some of his notes  made me wonder if we were proceeding too-far and too fast without club input. Don’t get me wrong, I see now he wasn’t the problem . . . . it was me.

      However, in some ways this all does have a silver lining!

We, together as a club, are going to reassess how we proceed with decision making. As a group such as ours, everyone should have a voice. We may not always agree, however we can decide as a group together.

     At this next meeting our President and Vice President wishes, for the group, to discuss bringing our club by-laws and Mission Statement up-to the 21st century.
Somehow,  many of the original club documents were lost in time. It wouldn’t shock me if one day I unearth them buried in my shop. I know that Jack Short and Ernie Lawson passed along a few things my way at one point.

      I sent a copy of the Southwest Michigan Seek & Search Club by-laws to Scott to look over. They are a standard-fare for a club such as ours, and are useful for a template.
Also, we are looking to update the status of our treasurer’s job which Len Sheaffer has been working on.

      I have learned that, not only in clubs, but in any area where volunteers are needed as workers, they are not always plentiful. In some cases they can be rare! But even so, we want people to be put into jobs where they want to serve . . . of their own choosing.
I think we are getting the newsletter in shape, but that too will be a topic of discussion.
So please, come help us by attending the next meeting.

Health Update
      In the last newsletter I hinted at a health issue that I am going through right now.
Over the last couple years I have struggled with Urinary Tract Infections, U.T.I. which my doctor tells me are somewhat unusual in men. My doctors usual treatment has been a routine week’s run of antibiotics. Usually then I am back to normal.

     The problem is, they come back in a few weeks. The last time, in December, I had a really bad case, and after a week of pills, they didn’t stop it. I contacted my doctor on a weekend,  and he told me to go in to the Emergency Room.   
      The ER Doc, confirmed the problem which he described as, “A Raging U.T.I.”  He started me on a high powered antibiotics, so strong they had some frightening possible side effects! And he also referred me to a Urologist at Bronson.

       Upon arrival there, I was asked to give a sample, and I told the nurse that I couldn’t . . . I didn’t have anything to give. With a scanner they said “Your bladder is WAY full!

       I went back, in just a few days, for an abdominal CT Scan, and it didn’t turn up anything like  cancer  tumors. . . . thank God!

       I have had three types of cancer, one that nearly ended my life at least a couple times. So, I have a tendency to expect the worse.

       Well, I went  in on the 29th when  my urologist did a camera probe!
     Yep, just like Captain James Kirk, he went on “to explore strange new bladders, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
And Yes! It was all on live screen!

     So, after a solid good CT-Scan, and now this bladder camera probe, it was determined my problem is diabetes related.

      This means $550.00 a month for rubber-tubes-and-lube for my remainder of breathing days . . . It could be worse. I know, I've been to worse and back a few times.
        Life can be overwhelming at times, then is when I lean on the everlasting arms.

    With one of my earlier cancers, they inserted a 3/8 inch surgical rubber hose into my stomach, and I fed myself 4 times a day with a jumbo syringe. That went on for close to 2 years. At least I didn’t have to worry about what’s for supper! In less than four weeks I lost 80 pounds!

This time, when I learned about this Self Catheter business. . . . I was so totally freaked out!
     I am so thankful to be married to one of the best retired nurses ever!
Men, it is very do-able, but I hope you never have to..

   Bottle Show Raffle Prize
         It was decided for the club to go back to a Bottle Show Raffle.

The first place prize this year will be a brand new “Garrett Ace 400" metal detector.
          It will come with a stainless steel digger, headphones, treasure pouch, weather cover, coil skid- protector and three year warrantee.

      To give you a little background. I met a man at Fort Myers beach running a metal detector in 1967. He and his wife were staying at a little cottage across from the beach.
      He took me over to see his collection of finds and it was mind boggling!
       Of course you must understand, he had very little if any competition in those days. People have been losing goodies like coins and jewelry in America since 1492 and earlier! In fact, I have found hammered copper- culture spear-points, arrowheads, and leather awls and scrapper blades that date back 3000 years.

        One of my customers from the Lansing area, who was one of the first known shallow water treasure hunters, was converting  detectors I sold him to be waterproof. It wasn’t unusual for him to find at least 200 gold rings each year! That is just counting the gold rings!
I remember, Wally, returning from a trip out east, stopped in to show me his finds. One ring which he thought was very likely “extra-special” was a heavy 18-K (unmarked but tested) yellow-gold ring with a large, deep-blue gem stone setting.
        When he had it appraised,  the jeweler was fascinated enough to have it examined by a expert in antique jewelry. She was able to date the ring’s age by several factors including the gem stone’s cut and by the fashion it was mounted. It was dated pre- Civil War, 1850's. The gem stone was a
 7.5 Ct natural deep-blue sapphire. In 1980, it was appraised for $22,000.00.

        I had another customer come back from a trip last summer, when he told me about a find he had made. Yes, I heard him alright, but I hear this stuff so often, well it just passes through my empty skull with no residual effect. But I guess I had my mouth working, because I guess I offered to help sell it.
He came in a month later and said, “Here is that bracelet I told you about, Al . . . you said you might be able to sell it?”
    Oh Lord, I did?
It is a custom Bangle Bracelet with 2, full one-carat diamonds! Both stones  as near perfect and clear as possible!

        After 3 appraisals it is valued at $12,000 to $15,000!  Better hurry! I have it up-listed for $10,000 in a buy- it-now listing! But, only while supplies last! My jeweler said retail on the diamonds would be around $6,000 each.
      So, about this prize detector. Around 12 years back I ordered some brand-new entry level detectors from Garrett. They were newly designed products for the lower priced entry-level market.
      Usually the entry level price point are nothing to get too excited about. Entry level detectors are normally made to find enough goodies to keep you interested, but weak enough to make you want to advance to something a little better.

    Well these new machines were surprisingly good! They really broke the entry level mold! These new detectors were called the Garrett Ace 250 and Ace 350.
    These Garrett Ace detectors started an industry fire storm of heated competition, which rages on to this day!
     It was very puzzling to me, because these Garrett products were not only pounding the competition . . . Garrett themselves had more expensive models which were not as good! What were they thinking?
     The effect of these new great little detectors was far reaching! You can only imagine what they did to the used detector values!
     Not only that, but even the detector service sector was hurt! Why fix that old heavy dinosaur when the new one is cheaper and better with a warranty!

      At that time, there were two giants in the industry, and both U.S. companies . . .
Garrett Electronics and Whites Electronics. If you had asked me which one was leading in that match-up up until this time, I would have said Whites.

      With the arrival of these hot new Garrett detectors, Whites  felt it was beneath them to get serious with the entry level market. They were satisfied with the product they had and wanted to stay focused on dominating the high end market.  
     It took almost 5 years before they understood Garrett’s strategy, and another 5 years to tool-up with a response.
      But, by that time, an evil monster named Covid raised its ugly head and vaporized existing parts supply chains . . . leading to White’s final demise.

       So, what was the reason behind Garretts full-on-attack at the entry level market? They were betting on a major market shift going in the direction of Amazon! And they were right.

      The Amazon buyer is the buyer with cost in mind, so he is not normally a big spender. And that Amazon market would be where sales numbers would be the highest.
      Garrett dominated that market and before long other companies jumped into that game . . . they all want to be king of that mountain!
      Competition has been fierce, and overtime Garrett also had to re-tool just to keep up. This prize detector, the Garrett Ace 400 is the legendary Ace 350 on steroids! 
Now with a faster digital processor, better filter for conductive ground noise, better and more accurate target number assignment, a state-of-the-art DD coil design, frequency shift and greater stability. It is a digital detector that has been pre-programmed to make it easy to use. I think whoever wins this detector . . . will love it!
This package includes a weather cover, a coil skid protector, headphones, a stainless digger and a treasure pouch.
A $500.00 retail value!

                        Vince has been helping me with meeting notes, which is greatly appreciated!
  Jottings by: Mr. Vincent Grossi

Hello Bottle Club!     Pizza Party at the Otsego Museum this Month!
          There are a lot of things happening  month. Our main goal is to reduce the number of Newsletter Hard Copies that are produced.    

     First, the bottle club will be asking all Club Members, 
    Do you wish to continue receiving a Hard Copy of the club's
    newsletter ?
    The bottle club wants anyone wishing to receive a Hard Copy, to               Request Hard Copy from the club. All Requests will be made to the
      Club President Scott Hendrichsen, by emailing:
     or, if possible (Texting Only) to 269-377-6089.
         We need your name and mailing address information to double check our records.
        Everyone else will receive their email newsletter link online as soon as it is posted.

      Upcoming Michigan Shows!

The West Michigan Antique Bottle Club, 34th Annual Antique Bottle Show & Sale,
Feb 22nd, 9:30AM to 1:30PM, $3.00 Admission.
 Location: Fonger American Legion Post, 2327 Wilson, S.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49534. Contact: Steve DeBoode, 616-667-0214, thebottleguy@comcast.net.

The Flint Antique Bottle Club's 55th Annual Show & Sale,
March 23rd  9AM to 2:30PM, $3.00 Admission. Location: Dom Pulaski Hall, 3414 N. Linden Road, Flint MI 48504. Contact: Jeff Scharnowske, 989-494-3182, jscharno@live.com.

 The Kalamazoo Antique Bottle Club's 44th Annual Antique Bottle & Glass Show-Sale, April 5th 10AM to 2:30PM, $3.00 Admission. Location: Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds (Expo Center), 2900 Lake Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048. Any Questions email: kzooantiquebottleclub@gmail.com
       This month's meeting will be mostly business, No scheduled presentation, and if time permits: Theme (Favorite Bottles), New Finds
And the popular  $5 Table.

      The Kalamazoo Antique Bottle Club
Meets At the
 Otsego Historic Society

Meeting date is
February 11th
 at 7:00 pm
The Museum is located at 218 N. Farmer St. Otsego, MI
Meeting starts at 7:00


Phone 269-685-1776

    Web Address