It sort of "snuck up" from behind!
HI friends! I hope
you are thinking
about the 2015
Kalamazoo Antique Bottle
Show! The very idea that the
show is on the other side of
winter, well, that makes it a
very happy thought for me!
At our last meeting, and
very near the end, Kevin
Siegfried had a sudden panic
attack! After he shared his
thoughts with the rest of us . . .
we were all looking like deer
in the headlights.
So here is what he said, "We only
have two more meetings
before the bottle show!"
Frankly, that is a very
sobering thought!
I spoke to Chuck and he
reports that Kevin is
working on getting the show
fliers printed. John Pastor is
working on the raffle tickets,
and he has already posted our
ad in the Antique Bottle &
Glass Collector Magazine.
We really need all-hands-on deck for the meeting this
month, as we will be going
over show details. Please, if
you can help, we need to know
At the last meeting we
started passing around sign-up-sheets for Bottle Show
duties like 'Show-Room
Security Detail,' as well as
other sign-up sheets for the
Hospitably Suite. We are
always looking for help to
keep the show running
smoothly and to make each one
the best show we that we can
It is interesting to watch the
club evolve over the years.
Many of our early group are
gone now, and we have new
members who are taking their
place. Of course, the worry-wart
that I am, I am always
concerned about coming up
short for show help.
Also, we need to start selling
raffle tickets soon! I am
donating a nice metal detector
package again this year (unless
John Pastor has a different
plan.) Be sure to be at this next
meeting for the latest show
planning updates!
Last Meeting
At the last meeting
we had a very
good time . . . well,
at least we tried our best to!
Our favorite Western
Students, Katie Osborn and
Kelsey Ennis were unable to
make it!
Also, we have all been
missing Dee Cole for a few
meetings now so I checked in
on her. Dee is doing fine,
and she has been busy caring
for her 96 year old mother.
Also I learned that she did
get a chance to get out of
this Michigan winter for
some Florida sunshine. Dee
has been busy on the tennis
circuit as well! What a gal!
Here is a run down on
the group we saw at the last
Kalamazoo Antique Bottle
Club Meeting. This is the list
as it was reported to
Homeland Security:
Kevin Siegfried, Lt.
Gen. C.H. Parker Jr.,
Mary Hamilton, Bill
Drake, Vincent Grossi,
John Winkler, Scott
Hendrichsen Esq., Ron
Smith, Ed Nickerson, Al
As usual a great time
was had by all!
Here is a run
down of the
great treasures
we saw at the last meeting.
Our theme last month was
Warner's Safe Remedies
and Cures!
Vincent Grossi was right
on top of his game! I never
for a minute stopped to think
about bringing in a Warner's
Tippecanoe bottle!
The original Warner's
Safe bottles are a classic in
the antique bottle collecting
hobby. But then when you
consider the design of the
Tippecanoe bottle, you can see
where Warners saw a real
importance in making iconic,
recognizable, packaging for
their product.
The Tippecanoe product
was a 'Tonic Bitters' and one of
the great figural bottles. It was
a simple design resembling a
log with a bulbous mushroom
Vince also has a nice
Warner's Safe Kidney & Liver
Cure. Also, Vince has a nice
collection of antique bottle
books which everone enjoyed
Vince had a number of
other neat items! One bottle
that I really like is an old screw
cap milk-glass cold cream
bottle. It has a paneled mug
type base. I love these little
jars! They are just pleasing to
look at, but the reason they are
not rare is because they are
amazing survivors! I have dug
river-bank farm dumps piled up with tons of
field stones. Not only was
nearly every bottle (except
these) broken, even stones
were broken! I admit, I do love
milk glass!!
John Winkler and Ron
Smith found a neat place to
dig. They brought in a big box
of "cry over fragments" that
really brought tears to
everyone's eyes! It is amazing
to see how folks love to look
through a box of parts and
I remember back in
the mid-80's when they
had a Collecting Club
Show at the Kalamazoo Fair
Grounds. A few of us set up a metal detecting display at the
show, representing the
Southwest Michigan Seek &
Search Club (treasure hunting club).
It was a neat show! I
don't know if they do this
anymore? If they ever do, we
should do a antique bottle club
display. I can remember seeing a
coin club, stamp club, rock &
mineral club etc.
That was back in the day
when metal detecting in the
water, at old swimming holes,
was just catching on. A couple
guys who were active water
hunters at the time displayed
some of their gold ring finds.
Back then, an active,
shallow-water hunter in
Michigan could do really great!
With a waterproof metal
detector, and a long-handle
scoop, a guy could average 200
rings per summer . . . along with a
ton of coins!
So, at the hobby show, a couple guys from the detecting club had
big display cases full of gold rings they had found.
The way the world is
today, I would be nervous about displaying that much gold!
At that time, around
1985, one of my customers
had found a 18-K gold
gent's ring with a 7-1/2 caret
deep-blue saphire that was
appraised (back then) for
$25,000!! A expert in
antique jewelry was able to
date the ring to the 1860's.
Also, besides
these eye-popping
displays, one of the guys
brought in a big box of
assorted junk that he had
found while water hunting. He
let people dig through the
stuff! That was the
biggest hit at the show! It
was full of trinkets, like
swimming locker tokens,
keys, Cracker Jack toys . .
. it was basically junk, but really
cool junk! It is fun to
think back on it.
The beat goes on!
best ring total, that I know
about, for 2014, was 100
(gold) rings! The ring metal
changes as the value of gold
goes up.
The bulk of rings
that we find are nondescript
men's wedding bands.
Most of these rings were usually 10-K yellow and
white gold, the 14-K are next in
quanity, and a rare treat is a
nice 18-K..
Sometimes we will find
engraving on the ring where we can
attempt to track down the owner and
return the ring.
Today, with the bad
economy, we are seeing more
Stainless Steel, Carbide and
Tungston rings lost. When
they are purchased new, they are a
substancial price for a young
couple to pay. Unfortunately
they cannot be resized and they
have no precious metal value.
Just like medicine bottle
wording, after the Pure Food
and Drug Act, the purity of gold
jewelry had to be marked. We
have often found gold rings at
early 1800's sites, that are badly
tarnished yet marked "Solid
Gold" or "Pure Gold" which
would mean 24-K, yet they test
lower than 8-K! Scamming
people is nothing new, it even
predates politicians!
So, I got carried
away. Ron and
John had a neat box
of colored glass fragments,
and I am not talking about
the top portion of an Aunt
Jemima cookie jar. (Actually
my wife has two of those,
one the real-deal and one a
One of the glass pieces
that these diggers found is a honey
amber candy dish that looks
like Santa's sleigh! I did a
Google Image Search as soon
as I got home from the meeting
but I could not find a perfect
match! I would love to know
more about this one!
Forgive me guys, but I
cannot remember if it was John
Winkler or Ron Smith who had
the awesome large pontiled
inverted top-hat style flower
It is heavy very wittled
glass, with all the beauty of a
freeblown early 1800's glass
item, but I think it is a
more modern arts-and-craft
piece. It has, in four sides,
strong indentations which I am
fairly certain they were mounts
for a heavy decorative iron wire
stand. I am thinking it was one
of a set, each stand a different
height used in a church or
funeral home.
Chuck has an amazing
Craig's Kidney & Liver Cure
Company bottle! That was the
company that Warner's brought
out! It is a beauty! Warner was
in the bank safe business before
going into patent medicine trade,
so he put the image of a safe on
his bottles.
I brought in a Warner's Safe
Kidney & Liver Cure bottle that
I purchased from one of the area
diggers. It is a deep, dark,
chocolate- brown with a double
ring collar. I don't remember
what I payed for it, but my
friend tried to buy it back!
Word spread slowly after he
had found it, and a Warner's
collector heard about it right
after I had purchased it.
My friend tried to buy
it back, which didn't work
out as he planned. The price
kept going higher and higher
but I didn't want to part with
it. He didn't tell me who
wanted it, and he didn't tell
the collector who had it! All
along I am thinking, "He is
going to double his money!"
Kevin brought in a stereo
view photo of the battleship
Maine after it had hit a mine.
That event started a war that
didn't work out too well for
Spain! Kevin knows that I
love nautical items, so he
gave it to me!
Kevin also had a neat
little aluminum John Wyeth
inhaler. They are famous for
the cobalt blue bottles with
the dose cap but now add
inhaler to the list!
Scott Hendrichsen had
just returned from one of this
Civil War relic hunts and he
had some beautiful treasure!
He found yet another Parrot
Shell, a number of great
bullets and some cleaner
rounds, and even some
round ball shot. (34 bullets
to be exact) He also found 5
nice buttons!
Scott also brought in an
amazing selection of bottles
which I will picture in the
online newsletter. One that
really set me to drooling was
a nice olive green double
eagle historic flask! And
another, was a very rare
Golden Bell Kathairon For
The Hair.